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happy belated.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 at Thursday, October 30, 2008
i know i know. i know im supposed to post up my birthday pictures. but honestly blogger's been pretty much a bitch and gay i cant post em!

Part 1 : Sharry, JS and I + Singapore Flyer
Singapore flyer all thanks to sharry love. thanks! LOVE U GIRLS TO BITS! and thanks for all the lingeries!

this is like HAHHAHA.. unglam to the max. this is what you do when ur afraid of heights and yet you want to take some nice scenery.

Part 2 : Oldie and I
1 hr plus of queuing up for Aston's! oldie.. its one of the best treatment i got from you! LOVE YOU!
and a lil surprise from baby.

and thanks krista for coming all the way down from woodlands just to pass me my present. cant wait for friday to see you! HALLOWEEN!

Part 3 : Gary and I
a simple dinner at Fish and Co. wid Mr. Himbo. thanks for the eyeshadow. love it. he's ubber sweet cuz he remembered that i once told him how pathetic my make up tools was. i dun even own an eye shadow of my own.
really appreciate all those who bothered to call me, text me, comment me, write on my wall and of cuz those who bothered to make plans with me/for me. THANKS. it meant the world to me.. however am still quite dissapointed with a few people here and there.

alrites just click on the links namely part 1 2 and 3 which will lead u to my facebook to view the picts!

alrites im gonna hit the sack and get suntann ready with sali in just abit! i was so tired from all the walking with sali. we walked past liat towers at least 3 times today. nite earthlings.
fuckin dumb shit
my heart never fails to cringe with heart ache. and tears would always start welling in my eyes whenever the thought of us not making it through together. its tough. cuz there is a problem and we cant solve it. and no one is at fault. the only way we can get through it together is how much we can compromise to each other and make things work.

i must say im someone who let go of things pretty easily and if i feel that some stuff is not feasible i would just wrap things up and move on. as i feel that if its not meant to be, then maybe we shouldnt waste each others time anymore.

but i could see u in my near future. i really do. i love u. maybe thats the reason why im afraid of losing you.

but i cant imagine us stuck in this vicious cycle til ur army ends. and i really really hate guys that is restless 24/7 and lacks energy. but den again i totally understand that the trainings in ur bloody BMT is sucking all ur energy. lets just hope for the better and that things will be better after his BMT.

happy birthday..
Thursday, October 23, 2008 at Thursday, October 23, 2008
thanks all for all the wishes.. especially those who made the effort to celebrate with me. like sharry, jiesi and vikki. thanks for making me feel so loved even though my bf is in tekong going through field camp!

im a really really happy girl. yesterday i met up with S and J and cityhall. first we went sushi tei for a v.sumptous dinner. i swear its damn goood! den we headed to the singapore flyer. man.. the view was totally breathe taking and im gonna marry anyone who will buy me a mansionate with this kind of view. HAHA. S and J were so funny. they are so afraid of heights and they had quite alot of unglam pictures. and apparentlythe girls showered me with lingeries! sharry got me La Senza gift voucher and J bought me a yellow bra and a bangle. its been long since we last meet up esp wid sharry. Im REALLY REALLY v.happy!

so today is the big day! met up wid vik and went to Aston's at cathay. mann.. the queue was DAMN long. queued up for more den a hour. its crazy.. but we feel that the dinner was worth it! $25 for 2! after that krista love dropped by to pass me my pressie! really sweet of her cuz she came all the way down from woodlands! after that we went cine for shokudo! goood shit. after which we headed home tog. thanks oldie!

you know what girls? I FREAKIN LOVE YOU GIRLS!

when i got home.. i saw a super big bouquet of roses from baby. one of the many reasons why i love him. he is really the sweetest baby.. hope he is doing fine in the jungles. =(

sorry for the wordiness and lack of picts. blogger's being a bitch AGAIN!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at Wednesday, October 22, 2008
yawns. morning world..
im in sch right now waiting for my teammates for FYP
yesterday nite was a spanking good time with the girls.
picture to be upload later or wad.

i miss jason!
happy birthday..

in 2007 many things happened.. so rite now im trying to recall..
  • i nearly gt married. HAHAHA.
  • i got a new mate.. lil sugar in december.
  • i went zoukout last year! and i realised i'll miss this year's cuz i'll be in BKK!
  • achieve 30 points for NAPFA. i must say 2007 has got to be my peak.
  • went halloween for the first time at a gay club and caught ppl giving blowjob in front of me.
  • got admitted into the hospital like twice in a month.
  • pretty much most of my eyecandies became my friends!!! (((:
  • won my very first pageant and im quite sure its the last..
  • i got my boyfriend! love him! (:

scary mummy
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at Tuesday, October 21, 2008
OMG.. jason's mum strikes again. its been a month+ or so since i last heard from her. and when i saw her number, i had a shock..

she wanted kel's number but im pretty sure he wouldnt want to give it to her. but she insist. so i went to shower. and guess wad? she woke up EVERYONE in my household. and its almost 1am now..

its so scary i had no choice i had to give and I REALLY HAD NO CHOICE!

anyways i'll be meeting JS and sharry to celeb my bday.. yeahs. cant wait to meet my lovely ladies. thats babe.. you girls duno wad it means to me! hugs.

btw mummy is buying me that metallic heels from charles and kieth!!! YEAHS!
and auntie asked what i want and i said i want two pail of paints and some labour to re furbish my room! DOUBLE YEAHS!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008 at Monday, October 20, 2008
arghhh.. im totally LUSTING for many many pairs of sky scrapper heels.. T.T
it sucks that i have to drag myself out of EVERY single shop that i went into and dissuade myself to buy anything. SIGHS.. hmm.. birthday present for myself? BUT I FREAKIN NEEED TO SAVE!

think metalics, zippers, colour block, oxford..

LOL.. this is funny..

Gareth Pugh says:
want some fathers?
♥ Summer ♥ lovessummer.blogspot.com says:
i scared i screw up leh.
Gareth Pugh says:
♥ Summer ♥ lovessummer.blogspot.com says:
♥ Summer ♥ lovessummer.blogspot.com says:
Sunday, October 19, 2008 at Sunday, October 19, 2008
went TTSH for medical check up only to realised that i had remembered the date wrongly. and the worst thing is the bloody cab driver took a mega long way to reach TTSH. irritating! GRRRR..

waited for jason to drop by so that we can eat tog in celebration for mum's and my birthday. after which caught HOUSE BUNNY! haha. ubber cute and funny. i dun understand why issit rated 2 stars only. we had a good laugh and we enjoyed it.

sighs. im kinda sad cuz i feel that our honeymoon is coming to an end. or mayb it already ended. its like everyday i have to wait for his call only to end up being yelled by him whenever dere is a communication break down. and every week i can only spend that little time with him. only to realise that he is too tired to keep me company. i know he is tired and all. but im really trying my best to be understanding and everything. but it really hurts me when he yells at me cuz he is tired. he said i think too much and he too is reading too much. constantly stressing up and assumer that im angry when im really not.

with my birthday coming really soon. its really sad to realise that no one free nor interested to celebrate with me. and i'll be alone. im not blaming anyone but its just that no one is dere and no one is free. what to do? just live with it. im really feeling v.empty and very lonely and whats the point of owning a good digi cam when there is no one to capture the memories with me.

no one will understand. honestly i feel non-existent.. im mean dere's friends around but they are only superficial. sighs. there is just no one.
li RED
Thursday, October 16, 2008 at Thursday, October 16, 2008
its wednesday and i have got NO FYP! happy to the max lah. so i woke up and went to chinatown and get my textile ready! its $18 for 3m. i felt abit cheated cuz i seriously dont think i need SO much cloth.. but oh wells.

then rushed home to realised that gary is not coming over already. zzz.. he was supposed to help me retake the pictures for my online shop. guess i gotta wait further...

den i call my aunt and told her that i want to make a skirt and will be dropping by. it turned out that she is leaving work alr. so we headed mustafa to look for my wings! LOL.. and i found it! hehehe.. bought a really cheap belt and a pair of gladiators which is under $10!

after quite long.. tada! auntie is really LOVE! cuz she's always helping and doing all these shit for me unconditionally! I LOVE HER!!!im in love with it lah! now that i have another 1.5m of textile left. wad do i do?
i need vampire fangs and devil horns and a pair of red heels and perhaps black lacy legging..!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Baby was confined but he finally got booked out on sunday morning! really really glad to see him cuz i missed him bad. as he was down with fever, as a gf, im gonna whip up some decent meal for him. HAHAHA..

well at least i tried. we went down to the mama shop togther. after much squealing and ewww-ing and several hours.. i finally came up with..

it wasnt exactly nice. but it was edible. but neither was it horrible. but kinda dissappointed though. but baby is such a sweetie, he attempt to finish everything. but the egg was good though. but den again. its just EGGS.. you cant go wrong unless the egg is rotten!

and oh check out the hurricane that hit my room. HAHAHA.
tada. after product.. at least i've attempt to make it neater, iron-ed MOST of everything and sorting them out and hanging em up!i know i know. i'll make a terrible wife. but i read some where that "you cant have the best of both world. so if you cant cook, u better be good behind closed doors. if a wife cant cook, you can always order in or buy take away. but you wouldnt want your husband to order sex from outside." Which i think make sense. HAHAHA. so that explains. HAHAHA.. fineee. JOKES..

OH! IM FINALLY GOING BANGKOK THIS DEC! its gonna be special since its with my love! i cant wait. first of all thanks rina for helping me to pay for the airticks! went to check out the prices and i was like totally laughing to myself. kinda scare my teammates. LOL

you know what? the first to suffer when i got my new digi cam would be Sugar next would be Jason! HAHAHA!

anyways i went town alone today. you stupid dumb girl. its a freakin miscommunication so i went town alone! and walked around like an retard! after which met up with sali! (:

oh yeah.. my currently fav bag SNAPPED! omfg KILL ME!what am i gonna do without you! T_T im gonna fix you!

check out the MIUMIU skirts! im gonna attempt to make em myself! I CAN DO IT! if u think you can, you can!
i duno why but recently ive been really artsy fartsy and all about art and craft. hope i dont screw up.
Monday, October 13, 2008 at Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008 at Saturday, October 11, 2008
Can you spot the difference? LOL. im currently learning photoshop skills from daddy! hahaha. yeah yeah yeah i know.. know abit pi mao den come out haolian. LOL. bleahs! hahaha. okok.. tell me wads the diff! LOL

i went home straight after work and learn that. TADA! im a fast learner. hehehe

all dressed up for school yest..
finally wearing my maxi dress.
met up wid edric and sooo wen..
as i was saying i attracted alot of attention. now you know why.
"orh shi xu chun meiiii" HAHHAA. i duno why but yest i was damn high.. was shopping halfway den i turned to gary.. and sing damn loudly! "NAH SI WAH WU JI BA BANNNN.. ji ba bannnn" he turned around and gave me a disgusted look. HAHAHA. LOL

i pushed him forward so that my face will look smaller. LOL
oh yeah.. as i was saying we caught "RESIDENT EVIL PART 5"? yeah hahaha. this aunty beside me was literally devouring her food out and mayonise is like ALL over her lips area.. she is eating like those zombie in the movies. :S ewwwws..
den she fell aslp..

i know we are evil. but i know you love it.. XOXO.. bitchy girls boys (argh wadever!) people den.
wah blogger is a bitch and my connection sucks hard core!

anyways i wasted half a day deciding what to wear and wasted half a day traveling from my house and back to my house. wanted to go school but realized that its tooo late already. weather was effin good so i called up gary!

tanned for like 4 hrs straight? i must say i am fully coooked or rather im over cooked! freakin burned to the max. went home and changed and headed to town wid gary yet again.

its either my dress or my tannlines or mayb its just me. but EVERYONE that walk past me literally just stop and stare. HAHA. oh wells. soo wen and edric joined and we talked tonnes of crap. oh yeah we caught RESIDENT EVIL PART 5 at macdonalds. oh wells. like i say bloggger is a bitch so i cant up load the picts.

sighs.. im not angry not at all just disappointed. tml im working morning shift.. but you wont be out. next week you wont be home either. my birthday week, you cant even call me. sighs. i duno what to say i just feel very empty within. walked home alone.

"And where are you now, now that i need you
Tears on me pillow, wherever you go
Cry me a river, that leads to your ocean
You'll never see me fall apart

In the words of the broken heart
It's just emotions that's taken me over
Caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul"

Emotions by destiny's child.
evil sis!
Friday, October 10, 2008 at Friday, October 10, 2008
skipped school but when to school for UT though.. all thanks to michelle! (: i guess UT was pretty much a suicide. argh! im so screwed. anyways headed bugis wid michelle.
while michelle was cutting her hair.
new love from auntie's cupboard. hehhe. I LOVEEEE..
nah.. dun say dun have. my pretty dog and my bro's big nehneh! HAHHAHA
i miss you!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 at Wednesday, October 08, 2008
im totally missing my boy badly.

finally went to school today. class was alrite.. UT was quite a disaster especially when my useless laptop decided to throw tantrums 5 mins before it started.

finally met up wid gary and went on a mega "marketing" or rather spamming people with my online shop.. its really tough. but no body said it was easy.. just take it one step at a time. (:

was really moody today. its so bad that baby had to take all my shit. its just that sometimes it feels as though i am the only one around and baby is just so far away. well not exactly THAT far but its just so near yet so far. its like everyone is just buzzing and busy with their own stuff. where as i am just always doing things alone. no friends to hang out with or anything. no. im not blaming anyone here or anything its just.. you just have to depend on yourself. thats the best bet. no one else.

but im glad that im dere for vik when she needed someone and when i needed her as well. hugs. babe, everything will be alrite. (:

btw feedback that the link for Vonnchalle! is crappy! so here you go!

love is not just about me and you!
Monday, October 06, 2008 at Monday, October 06, 2008

its gonna be our 2nd month in 30 mins time. time flies! HAHAHA.. im so sorry for the lack of updates. been really sickly lately.. oh wells.. last sun i skipped work cuz i gt a swollen eyes and i can barely open those peepers. HAHA. i look like a really ugly goldfish. anyways i finally got my RED T300! yeahs im really happy! HAHAHA. thanks mummy! finally got my casio watch as well. i must say that currently the luckiest girl on earth. btw jason and i are planning to go thailand bangkok! cant wait. but my baby like sucks lah! ARGH! cuz he is usure of when he is goin to start his block leave. SIGHS

it was perfect until it became a r/s thats consisting of not just the two of us but more den 3ppl. sighs. it sure sucks to know that ur bf's mum hates u. argh.. i really duno wad i can do to make things better. ARGH! i dun wan jason to be caught in the middle as well. oh wells. how how how tell me how.. =((((

Saturday, October 04, 2008 at Saturday, October 04, 2008
sorry for the lack of update.
ive been soooooo busy lately and dere is just loads of things to do. and its totally driving me crazy. its been a really crazy week and every single thing seems to go wrong at the wrong time.

its 5.30am in the morning and jason is egging me to grab some sleep!

so i present to you Vonnchalle!

