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Roller coaster Ride.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The past one week has been a helluva emotional roller coaster ride. My mood went all the way up and then plunge all the way to six feet under. Broke down many times and laughed like crazy.

The first hit was the fact that my beloved granny is going for an operation which I thought is next week. But was actually on Tuesday. Work was crazy so I couldn't make it to visit her during the weekends. Plus I had work. So when I finally realised, its already Monday. I couldn't stop crying and was so afraid that there will never be a next time. I am so afraid because I can't remember when was the last time. She is someone I love so much and I am 100% sure she love me just as much. The fear of losing someone so important is driving me crazy plus the work load and stress I am handling. Took some time off to visit her. Lied on her lap like I always do. And tears started streaming down my cheeks.

Anyways. I felt so much better after visiting her. Called her and ask her not to be scared before she went for the operation. I was definitely so damn effin glad that aunt called to say that everything is okie and that I can visit her anytime at granny's. (: So I finally visited her on Sunday! She wears Aviators siol. HAHAHA. I am so glad she is recovering well.

One day I was asked to collect some cake from Mohd Sultan and then deliver it to somewhere opposite central mall. All of this within an hour. With so many task to complete I was of cause delayed and time is ticking. So I rushed out and went to wait for bus. But the bus kinda took forever so I took a train to Clarke Quay. By the time I reached, I'm only left with 20 mins, and I have no freaking idea how to get to MS. With no cab in sight I swear I am fucking desperate. So I asked if I could get any random cake. But he said no. So I just dashed across the busy road and got up this cab.

I broke down and cried the sec I got into
the cab. Because the uncle is SO DAMN NICE. To me it was like salvation. He was like asking me to take a deep breath and asking if I'm alright why do I look so panicky. I actually took down his car plate number but my phone died. So yeah. He was like comforting me all the way. I really appreciate his kindness. Thanks, Uncle Philips. (:

Work was crazy because the drama NEVER ENDS. Can you imagine, the jugglers come as and when they want they dont give a fucking hoot if you're getting into trouble or not. Drama from the girls. One of them got locked outta the house and the other left her hp in her bag instead of putting it by her bedside.

On the lighther note, I still have fun having rehearsal with the girls. It's so fun to hang out and rah rah with em. They make work a lil bearable.
Shakin shakin!
Jesse did some cheerleading stunts with me too. Click on the link if you're keen!
CheerLeading Stunts!

Anyways. Client Vetting turn out to be freaking AWESOME because we totally rockin in beats! HAHAHA

Finally got home at 7pm and asked mum and dad if they want to have dinner with me after all its's been so long since I last had one with them. Expecting for a YES! I was totally slapped in the face when they said "Huh.. Don't want lah."

After which Zouking session with the girls which kinda flopped badly. HAHA. I've got Videos to upload!

Saturday was Edwin day. Went to fix my damn HP which decided to die on me out of the blue and headed to newton to have the super awesome orhjian and then to Island Creamery. Then to AMK, back to home and to Bishan Park then back to AMK and FINALLY settled at Bishan J8 to catch TRANSFORMER! Omfg. I swear the cars in Transformers are so fucking sexy! I was like squealing in excitement whenever I see them in action. HAHAHA.
Island Creamery is SO PACKED. We gotta deprive some kids of their doodling time by hoggin their doodle table to indulge in icecream. LOL.

Some AWESOME time spent with some of the girls. (:
We were busy gossiping!

Was sick on Monday. Having a really bad headache since like Sunday Night.. I guess it's just too much going on. Oh wells.

Oh YES! I almost forgot! MY SHOES ARE HERE! SHOES!!! All thanks to Jesse who lugged the shoes all the way to town despite the cramps. LOVE YOU!
E is so damn effin nice because she ordered Mac for me and paid for everything. LOVE YOU!
Sugar who accompanied me the entire day! LOVE YOU!
Life is PERFECT! Why do you even need a boyfriend when you have AWESOME girlfriends and sugar baby?
Happy Father's Day.
Monday, June 22, 2009 at Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Fathers' Day.
As much as I love you.
I don't know how to show it.
I will make it up.

PS: I love you.

Summer the ...
This whole week has been REALLY terrible. Especially for me.. Like i said, Wednesday to sunday is the freaking rehearsal and it continues on Monday after work and I'll still be working all the way til 28th June. I seriously hope time will FLY and ZOOM ZOOM past.

The "gonna get screwed" look.
I told her its damn obscence.
We practice hard!
Jessebella is so funny and classic. She is like "OMG!!!! FOOOOD! YOU BOUGHT FOOD?!!!!" She ran over and hug them. HAHAHAHHAHAAHA
Last but not least the "You better dont chu stunt" look.

Okies can you imagine for the past 4 days, I am so close to breaking down almost every single day. With a few dramas from various girls. First is the damn modelling agency who ignore my emails and text. And later one of the models wants to pull out. And the never ending terms from the modelling agency is definitely not helping. So POOF! Down with two talents!

Next found two talents as replacements. I am utterly disappointed espcially towards Cheryl. So much for " I need the job and I emphasis I am a fast learner." Then came the "whatever" attitude, then the disappearing act and I wanna drop out DRAMAS after she got the job! As for the rest, they just has commitment issues so yeah thought we could work together. Some people are just DAMN irresponsible. But what to do?! Like I told them the industry is damn small and such things just spread like H1N1.. Reputation is at stake is all I can say.

Dealing with some dramas. WHATELSE?!
Seriously its like there is bound to be dramas everyday. So much so that I am so numb already. On the lighter note, I'm so glad the rest of the girls are damn nice. Like Gillian, Karen, Sabrina, Jessebella and etc. REALLY appreciates. (:

This is super random. E, Gillian and I went over to Orchard central and tried the super high outdoor escalator. AHAHA. They are shivering like crazy where as I just started jumping and monkeying around. LOL
After which E and I headed to some house party! Check out the amount of beer bottles because E cleared more then half of it while playing some games.

Anyways caught DRAG ME TO HELL with Edwin! Like the usual. Sunday is Edwin day! Its kinda morbid and v.in your face. I believe he got bruises on his wrist. HAHAHHA.
Drag Me to Hell Pictures, Images and Photos

Now i have no rights to speak my mind now.
Thursday, June 18, 2009 at Thursday, June 18, 2009
Hmm.. I know I know. I know I've been whining like sugar. So.. I have a little something to share with you guys. I am so happy about it. (((((:





Credits to Vivien. She is ubber nice to help me take the picture. Rebecca also called me to tell me about the van. AWESOME! (:

I am honestly so drained. I am so tired. And I'm sending out emails at 2.30am. Having difficulty breathing properly the entire day. Basically today is like SO CRAZY and SO HECTIC and guess what I will be working almost 12hrs a day NON-STOP all the way til 26 June with no OT no leave no offdays. FUCK MAN. Let's just pray that I don't collapse due to fatigue.

Crisis after crisis. Girls not picking up or replying text, disappearing act, can can can but i'm sorry i got something on this this this date, and lagi best model agency turn off her damn phone. Venue to be confirmed only on the day the rehearsal is held. More than half of the girls can't make it. Viola!

I'm so glad Mel and Ape is so supportive and they actually went down to the rehearsal with me when they don't need to. THANKS ALOT. I truly, deeply appreciate you guys. (:

Oh wells, E life still goes on. Don't dwell on it. Like I always say "There are loads of fish out in the ocean. So go find a fish that suits your taste. " Sometimes I really hate the fact that I am so forgetful and blah. But in this aspect I'm glad I get over things pretty fast. Well E, I'm just a call away. You know I will be there. (:

HUGS! And last but not least, WELCOME TO THE SINGLETONS! We will be happy with or without someone in our life.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Work is driving me NUTS!
I don't understand why must we go round round and come back to square one again ; after doing so damn much of whats not. Redundant and a complete waste of my time. At the end of the day. You get screwed. :S RAHS RAHS RAHS!

Anyways. Moving on. I seriously hope that one day I will find my passion and not work for the sake of working. Haiz. And I hope that day will come soon.

I really want to study again. Oh wells.

Btw, I caught Ghost of Girlfriend's Past! AWESOME.. I like.
ghost of girlfriends past Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm gonna kick your ass! (:
Monday, June 15, 2009 at Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday is Doggy Day!
I brought sugar baby to office with me. And as usual that lil baby never fails to make everyone's day. (:
No idea why she is so shy.
Then came mummy April!
She deleted her picts.
Rich came down to meet me for lunch. And guess what? Sugar is like super sad after I left her with Shaun. :S He must have bullied her. TSK!
A typical meeting!

And once again. Sugar never failed to drive Shaun KRAZY!

Then got REALLY busy with casting and blah! All the way and I swear its driving me nuts! Oh wells. I swear those stupid people around can be DAMN annoying. I wanted to strangle them many times. People who refuse to pick up the damn call and reply the damn text. Oh wells! What ever!

Anyways, E is super nice to come down like the entire week and be there for me when I'm close to murder someone or when I'm feeling really fucked up. LOVE YOU, E ! (:

Must I say I am super happy for FRIDAY to come?! I fell off the chair and I think its SUPER FUNNY! Hehehe.
This little girl is SUPER cute! Whenever E and I smile to her, she will give a super shocked and then start hyperventilating! HAHA.
Then went zouking! Camwhor-ed!
Hello Soo Han!
Hellos Yong Quan!
Tiger became "bing mao"(sick kitty)
Actually he is sick. Awww
So we left for butters. On the way was playing with Sebas's $150 bow tie! HAHAHAHA.
Play until he angry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I like this pict! HEHEHEHE..
I kinda fall asleep at butters then pop by Social House with Calvin and Anthony and E.
Bumped into Shino.
And got REALLY bored.
Meet Georgia. HAHA

Stayed over at E's and FINALLY visited Aunt. On Thurs Mummy called and told me she fell off the building. WTF! She totally exaggerate. I swear I got a shock out of my life. But it turns out she fall off the counter table or something. Slight fracture on her back. On the lighter note as least she is fine now. Not paralyzed or anything. We are so lucky!

Aunt is like the best. Seriously love her more then I love my mum. I know I sound super crude. But she really treats me like her own and in fact better then my mum all the time. Just can't explain how much I appreciate her in my life.
Check out my No.1 fan! (:
Can't remember when was the last time I had a decent meal with my whole family. I miss having breakie with Dad in the morning. In fact I hardly see him ever since I started working at MONO-E.

Mustafa-ed with E and Foo Leng! I swear Sat is like PORK GALORE. Had Shao rou + Pork Ribs Rice and supper is like Pork stomach, Pork Intestine and Bak Kut Teh! Honestly at this rate I'm going, I'm going to start rolling instead of bouncing. :S

Sunday is EDWINday! I noticed a trend. It seems like I'm meeting Ed like every sunday. Anyways. Headed to IT fair to accompany him to get Ipod Touch. Man.. The crowd is KRAZYYYY. I nearly died just walking from cityhall to Suntec. Oh yeah! Bumped into Chantal. ((((:
Kinda Blurry.
SEEEEE. The crowd is seriously crazy. Got his new pod and headed to New York New York!
Buffalo Wings!
Coke and Root Beer Float.
Pork Ribs
My all time favorite! :D
And the $2 Mayo!
Bloody hell this thing is $2! Oh wells.

Okie Dokie. I better go get myself to bed. Its 2.10am! And I seriously gotta abid to what I am saying right now!
Never mind. I will try my best.. :S Night Folks!