When In Rome.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010 at Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Hellos people I finally get down to update my blog like finally! Work has been rather boring because I'm actually on course for these 5 days which means OFFICE HOURS! (((: Was kinda looking forward to my CSP course. Everyone in M1 is like raving how fun it is and how they don't wanna come back for work and if possible, they wouldn't mind staying for as long as possible. And they are also extremely motivated and inspired to provide awesome customer service! But.. It's 2nd day into the course I am totally DYING! It is so effin boring and I will take any chance to just get out of the room. The trainer talks like White Queen in Alice In The Wonderland and keeps shooting us down by telling us how crappy our customer service level is in Sg as compared to Europe and where ever. Aiya. Whatever! On the bright side, I get to put on RED nails! (:Anyways caught When In Rome with Kenny yesterday. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

It's funny how Love struck you when you least expected. (:
After which went to shop at the usual Topshop. I have to say I LOVE VIVO TOPSHOP! It's like I always seems to be able to find the dresses I like in UK size 4! I swear it's love at first sight. I knew it was the one the sec I lay hands on em. Hurhur.

So this dress itself already cost me $93 and I've been planning to get the Fast Forward Card for like the longest time ever. So I was trying to find another piece of whatever to make my purchase worth $150.
About 45mins later and countless rounds I've made I've finally found something I like. I went "YES! I'm finally settled!" I could totally see that salesman's oh-finally-face. HAHAHAHA. I'm bloody short of 1fuckingdollars! Damn! And I refused to buy something that I don't like/need. So I walked to the undies section and start looking for one. Kenny being Kenny actually offered to sponsor me a pair! So I said "Okie! Then you shall pick one for me since you're paying for it!" But he is too shy and say I should just choose what I want. And so I did! LOL.

You should see that look in his face! CLASSIC! HAHAHAHA. I couldn't stop laughing like a mad woman! Hehe.
Arghs!!! As I am typing this whole chunk I'm like itching how badly please. Damn sian. It's like I've been having this allergies every single night it's killing me. I actually went to TTSH's A&E and paid $85 hoping the docs can stop it or let me find out why. But this fucking pinoy doctor who knows shit tock me like a bloody cai tao. Honestly, he has no closure and he actually referred me all over the place and asked to visit a private family doctor. FUCKTHISSHIT. I can't explain how much I hate pinoys. If you don't know anything don't act like you know it and tell me I need to spend more money because of your incompetence. Fuckyou.

I took this right after I got home. FML.
Went Mount Vernon to visit my grandpa!

Okies. Done blogging! Cause my eyes are shutting! Good night!